关于这个问题,我专门在移民局网站(URL)上面看了最新的签证信息,现在学生签证已经不强制要求资金证明,只要求申请者有足够经济担保。 移民局网站上是这样写的“The sponsor must demonstrate that they have the required funds to support you financially for one or two years.” (1) “If applying with your current sponsor, this can be done by either of the following:-
a) showing evidence of sufficient funds held in an New Zealand bank account; and/or
b) showing evidence that a deposit has been made on a residential property where both parties agree it will act as your financial guarantee while studying. This should show who is responsible for the money involved, any penalties associated including interest charges if applicable, when each amount was paid into the account, details of how much remains in the account and where the account can be accessed (eg by internet banking or debit card) ” (2) 这里明确说了如果申请人是跟现有担保人一起申请,资金方面只需要满足下列条件之一即可:
2、双方同意用住房押金作为你在新西兰学习的担保金。 这些资金必须是有充足流动性的,可以支取的。比如说存款要放在个人名义下,不可以是公司财务账户或是商业账户。另外,对于住房押金的解释是在新西兰买的房子是可以做抵押的,所以可以用来做学生签证的资金担保(这个我没弄明白)。 关于第二条,我还特意问了中介老师,他说目前来说没有听说过需要提供这部分资金证明的先例,而且他也没办法肯定的说不需要。不过从上面的内容来看应该是没问题的了~