

我来说一下,林肯郡比较好的学校(按成绩排名) 1.格兰瑟姆高中 Grantham College (GC) - 成绩最好的公立学校之一,每年约20个学生能上牛剑,今年有一个学生进了牛津,还有一个进了剑桥.这个学校的理工科不错,尤其是数学物理计算机等专业,文科相对差一些。

2.斯托中学 Stowe School - 私立女校,比上面那所男校要文科要好些,每年也有好几个进牛剑的。

3.曼斯菲尔德中学 Mansfield College - 这所学校有点特别,它的学生不是跟其他公立学校一样统一申请大学,它是一直有一个独立的部门负责帮助学生申请大学,而且据我所知这是唯一一个这样的学校,即单独的部门专门负责申请。这所学校是文理兼并的学校,文科理科在录取和教学上都各占半边天,所以它的录取比例也是文理各半。它的文科很好,尤其文学和历史类的专业都非常棒!!

4.拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University - 虽然是罗素集团里的大学,但是入学要求并不低,据说比牛津和剑桥的还要高一些的。它的理工科非常好,特别是体育相关专业。

5.贝里理工学院 Berry College - 这个学校的特色是可以无限制选课,也就是说你不用像美国那样担心选不到自己喜欢的学科,在这里你是可以放心大胆地去选你任何感兴趣的科目,就是不知道毕业的时候能不能全部学完。。。这所学校学费很低,生活成本也很便宜,但环境比较闭塞,周围没啥娱乐设施,离 Lincoln大概一个小时左右的车程。


Lincoln is a historic place with two universities. First was the University of Lincolnshire, founded in 1202, and then it moved to Cambridge where we can visit the university's museum today. In this city there are six schools for higher education, four of them specialising in medicine – Medical School at The Queen's Hospital (now part of the NHS), Royal College Of Medicine And Dentistry, British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Research Centre(the BHF)and National Institute For Health Researeh(NIHR). I work as an administrator on behalf of NIHR at one of their local institutions.

For other subjects you have to choose from some private providers or another branch of UL that has been opened only lately near Leicester City Airport. There are plenty of other colleges here including those offering qualifications up to master level, though they might be less well known.

I am interested too to know what else your children would like to see in England and elsewhere so let me know if my suggestions were helpful. You will find more information about English educational system by using Google search, but remember that things change quickly over time.
