

我是被T4 287(b)拒了的,理由是我提供的学习计划有问题. 因为我的学校提供了3级实习课程, 我申请的是1年制的本科. 学校在计划里提到我会获得1年的工作经验然后返回学校读第2 年. 但是因为学校是去年才开办这个课程的, 所以我没有办法找到任何校友帮我写推荐信或是证明我学习完会就业的事.于是我就伪造了所有信息, 写了份假学习计划.其实只要我一开始把真实情况告诉大使馆,他们就不会给拒签了~~哎。。。 以下是我在签证前收到的提醒邮件(虽然最后我还是给了假资料啊)

Dear applicant, In order to process your visa application we need the following information: Your Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS number and date issued);The University’s Name/Address/Contact telephone number/Email address;Details on any English language tests you have taken which are relevant to this course;Your study programme with details about length, structure and modules; Details of where, when and how long you will be studying each year as well as a breakdown of tuition fees paid by the UK based university and those paid directly to the University overseas; Please also provide evidence that funds required to support yourself and dependents throughout the duration of your course has been saved in a bank account in your own name or named after one of your dependants from before you left home. You can use cash saved into an account, bonds held at maturity, shares held in a share dealing service or savings books and other evidence supporting this. The documents that may help us understand their source include letters from employers describing pay and pension arrangements;details of mortgage repayments showing ownership of property;income tax self assessment statements, P60's and P45's showing tax paid over the last three years;pay-slips and other correspondence between the employer and HM Revenue & Customs. We would expect all sources of income to be declared, including savings, investments, any assets owned jointly with others, any interest received and the value of any entitlements, such as pension rights which might become payable if you return home early. We must receive these details within six months of leaving the UK. If necessary, we can ask our partner organisations abroad, such as border control agencies, immigration authorities and employment services to verify our findings.We do this to confirm whether people meet the requirements of British visa laws and ensure that everyone who comes here


首先我觉得你的问题是中介的问题,因为留学中介不是签证公司! 我的建议是,先打电话(029)86531157询问你被拒的原因是什么;其次你可以给移民局发一封长一点的邮件解释一下情况或提供一些补充材料。如果还是不行的话,你就再去面签一下吧~ 我觉得一般都能过啦~~不过最好还是找专业的机构帮你做吧……自己搞比较麻烦而且成功率低啊
