

题主好! 雅思阅读的题目中,有大小写的提示是,题目要求你区分字母的大小写还是标题的首字母大写(专指学术类试题)。 所以,只要题目要求你区分字母的大写,那么答案一定是【全部都要大写】;但是,如果题目只是提醒你首字母要大写,并不是全都要大写! 举个栗子:

Question:The word "aquatic" in the passage is spelled with an 'i'. Does this mean it was misspelled?

Answer:NO. In academic writing,the first letter of a noun like “aquatic” or "anthropological" is capitalized to show that these words are nouns:“This fish is aquatic” (instead of saying “This fisih has water in its atmosphere"). The same principle applies at the start of sentences: “He went into his office and closed the door”(not He went in his offise and clocered the dor) .

另外,关于首字母大写还有一个需要谨记的考点,即是: 如果句子的第一个单词是倒装的,那么其中的冠词、连词等必须保留。即,这些词汇的首字母应当大写。
