

我今年申请到了UW-Madison的PhD in Applied Economics,所以稍微了解一些他们PSI program的情况~ 先摆结论: 如果只是单纯的想拿PHD,而且希望可以留在美国工作,那么PSI是最合适的选择; 但是如果将来打算回国就业的话(无论是做科研还是做产业),那么MSA可能更适合你。

首先介绍两个项目的定位。PSI全称Post-baccalaureate scholar,就是拿到这个学位之前必须先拥有Bachelors degree。这个项目一共分为5个tracks,分别是Applied Economic Theory(AET)、Computational and Statistical Methods(CSM)、Economics of Education(EdE)、International Studies(IntlS)以及Public Policy(PPA).每个track都有具体的课程设置,完成这些课程并达到一定的GPA要求之后就可以获得PSI的证书(Certificates)。至于MSA,其实是一个MA学位,但是其要求的学习时长比常规的MA多一年,因此命名为Master's Certificate in Applied Statistics (MSA). 这个项目是没有具体专业的,学生在完成后可以获得“applied statistics”的硕士学位。

从项目的设置来看,PSI更像是本科之后的进阶,而MSA更像研究生阶段的预备。所以如果以读PhD 为目的,从准备工作的角度考虑,PSI更合适;但如果以后回国发展,则建议读 MSA. 另外需要提到的一点是,这两个项目都要求申请者拥有比较好的量化能力(Quantitative skills)。虽然PSI的五个track都对quant的要求不同,但是从过去几年的录取情况看来,没有一位同学是完全符合任何一个track的量化要求的,所以大家还是按照“五位一体”的思路去准备吧~(PS. AET track貌似是里面最quant的...)

再来说说申请。由于都是属于master's level的项目,所以两者在申请上比较类似。一般来讲,申请PSI的学生需要有三封推荐信,GMAT/GRE成绩和托福雅思成绩(MSA不需要提供语言成绩)。个人的简历和个人陈述也是必不可少的材料。除了以上,部分项目的申请还会有其他的要求,比如面试,PS写作等等。因为我是今年申请的,所以对这些细节记得不是太清楚,但大体就是这样子啦~ 最后祝题主能申到心仪的学校!


PhD is an academic degree awarded by universities. Universities confer this on people who have completed a course of study in their chosen field that has been deemed to be rigorous enough for advanced work, and which satisfies the educational standards necessary so students can continue with scholarly pursuits. In some countries, PhD degrees are given without any examination or dissertation but require a thesis paper (in American academia). In most other places, there’s no need for a written thesis paper - it's just like you get your master's, then move onto doctorate level courses only after all coursework is finished if you want to pursue academics further... A Master‘s/Master's equivalent is required for pursuing professional fields(lawyers,engineers,practitioners etc), where as Doctorate is not usually needed except perhaps medicine and dentistry…

For doctoral studies, admission requirements include completion of previous programs at university-level (e.g. bachelor's and/or master's);a portfolio showcasing the applicant's prior scholarship(research projects undertaken during past degree studies or postgrad research activities)and writing skills;professional experience may also be considered…… The application process typically includes submission of transcripts from previously attended institutions(i.e. grades earned along the way), recommendation letters, statements of purpose, samples of writings submitted by the applicants e.g. papers presented at conferences, interviews conducted on campus by faculty and graduate representatives等……

The U.S. education system doesn't operate using English language tests as such, because we already use IELTS/TOEFL scores to assess proficiency in reading and listening,etc. We do however accept the TOEFL PBT test score as well as Cambridge English Test and Pearson Test(PTE Academic)with respect to our postgraduate programmes…
