

Tier 4 student visa is in fact not an interview based visa. It's known as a "pre-settled status" visa, and unlike Tier 1 (Graduate route) it requires you to leave the UK at some point if your course lasts longer than 6 months, or whenever you complete your study programme whichever occurs first.

The new points system for Tier 4 visas was introduced on July 20th last year which replaced the previous immigration rules that came into effect in September 2009, where students were categorised according to their nationality and academic level of qualification. Under these new rules applicants have been divided into two streams: general category and graduate route category depending upon whether they are degree or above candidates or below degree level. The general route includes those who would normally fall under the old rules and the newly launched Graduate Route. All categories must fulfil various criteria including English proficiency, maintenance funds and no criminal record before being issued with a visa.

Points required to apply depend on country of citizenship, age,level of study and how long courses are intended to be. A full list can be found here: Department for Home Affairs. Applicants who already hold Tier 1 (General)or (Post Study work) visas do not need to meet any additional requirements except having sufficient funds available to cover the living costs while studying.

As far as fee goes there is nothing to pay initially when applying but once your application has been approved, you will receive a document called "Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies” (CAS) from your chosen institution. In order to obtain this document, institutions needs to make a payment of £38 per candidate to HM Government. This money covers visa processing fees as well the Home Office checking your documents against what we sent them during your application process.It also acts as proof of acceptance by your institute so your case cannot be processed until CAS has been received. To simplify matters all universities/colleges now issue one combined


我还没面过,但是我同学刚在伦敦的签证中心面了。 感觉就是,先让你填一张表,问一些很简单的问题,比如为什么去英国啊,去了干什么啊之类的。然后会让你看一个视频,告诉你为什么要办这个签证(其实就是说英国欢迎国际学生,因为经济原因) 接着会和你核对一下信息,比如说你申请表上的地址,手机号之类的。

最后他会给你一份材料清单,让你在指定时间把文件给他送到那个签证中心的办公室里交,或者网上发电子版也可以,他就帮你处理你的申请啦~ 我同学是3月12号下午申请的,当天就批下来了!好快呀~而且他是学医的,要面签的可能性应该更大一点吧…… 所以我觉得应该是挺快的,但是不知道具体需要准备些什么东西呢…反正我们是在学校那边办的,学校给我们准备了所有需要的材料的原件加复印件,还有护照,然后我们就直接过去了。不过听说有的学校要自己先在网上填一份申请表什么的才能进行办理程序…所以还是要提前咨询一下学校才好哈~
