我在美国J1 2023年1月份来的,现在还在隔离期,来之前就和女朋友说好了来了就领证。 我女朋友也是J1我本科她硕士,我俩都读的CS, 我俩来美国的学校是同一所学校的分校,都在加州。 在国内我们俩已经同居三年多了,感情很好决定来美国了以后一起生活工作。 但来了之后发现手续很多很麻烦而且我还在隔离期不能出去,我女朋友在隔离期结束前只能自己到处走走转转,我很心疼也很着急。 今天我去移民局网站上看了下关于J1结婚的问题,里面写的很清楚。 J1是可以结婚的!不过需要满足下面几个条件:
1. 你和你结婚的对象都是J1, F-1等(非移民)签证持有者;
2. 你和你的配偶都是学生或者访问学者(F, M visa holders); (1) Your spouse must be another student or Exchange Visitor holding an A, B, C, D, F or G nonimmigrant visa status.The Department of State determines the categories and subcategories for all types of nonimmigrant visas. You can find information on these at: http://travel.state.gov/content/098467.htm?src=imgen•mai (2) The term "Exchange Visitor" is used to refer collectively to participants in a wide range of educational, cultural and humanitarian programs sponsored by the U. S. government或by international organizations as part of their training activities abroad under various agreements between such sponsors and foreign governments·For example, it includes Fulbright scholars. It also includes certain other people who may participate without being paid by any sponsor, including certain professors and researchers affiliated with academic institutions. These terms are defined further in sections 101(a)(l7)and 101(a)(18)of the Immigration and Nationality Act. See INA section 101(a)(15), note, for definitions of each category, subcategory and related terms. (3)你的配偶必须是在你到达美国10天内签到的,这样移民局才能确认你的配偶确实是F1或M1的学生身份并且合法来到了美国 (4)如果你的配偶是访问学者,他/她是需要在签证有效期内来到美国并签到的 以上是我整理出来的文件里写的内容,没有明确写明不可以结婚的是上面第三点。 其实这个条款的意思就是如果你在你J1签证的有效期内结婚了,那么你在美期间是符合J1条件的,不会导致你的签证违法或被拒。 但是如果您的配偶不是J1而是别的什么身份的访客,比如说B1B2,H1b, L1等等,那这些情况的访客是不可以成为你的配偶的。。。