

Visa stamp on a passport is the most important document for travel abroad. There are many different visas and visa types, but there will be two main parts of it: Visa Stamp & Visa Expiry Date.

1) VISA STAMP is where they put their name, photo and stamp in your passport and state validity date when you can travel to that country or region within 90 days (sometimes less). It's also called “visa sticker” as it used to be printed/sticked into your passport before digital scanning was applied by embassy, consulate etc. In this way, each country has its own design for stamps according to national flag colour(s), letter size(usually A4)and layout. The format may change from time to time due to new technologies so do pay attention to them if needed.

2) VALIDITY DATE is often located beside visa stamp, which shows how long you have to stay in the destination country after entering that country. If not specified explicitly, usually valid stays are calculated based on "from the day of entry" instead of "from the day of issuance", except some special cases such as multiple-entry visas with unlimited stay between visits. Most countries require tourist and business visa holder to leave the jurisdiction at least once during period of validity, otherwise they should register themselves in advance with local authorities when applying extensions online via eVisa system等.

In addition, depending on type of visa issued, holders might need further requirements upon arrival including pre-arranged flights booking ticket proof, return travel plan etc. Some high risk travellers who are already blacklisted internationally would even meet more strict scrutiny while passing immigration control and might end up denied boarding to certain destinations altogether! Therefore, always consider all the possible risks involved whenever choosing any overseas trips especially non-EU ones nowadays under current security situation around globe! As such; don’t just stick only to cheap flight tickets offers because those could lead directly back


在签证上,一般有ON 和IN两个标记; ON 代表是申请人的护照被贴了入境章(通常为海关盖章) IN则是申请了居留许可(外国人入境许可证)。 如果是去韩国的F1留学签、C3商务签证和C5投资移民,这些不需要办理外国人居留证就可以直接入境外国人的证件叫做“无出入境记录”或者叫“No Record of Arrival and Departure". 这三种类型的签证是没有ON或IN标示的; 而L1、H1B/H4、I131等这类有出入境记录的临时工作签证是有这两个标识的。 但是并不是一定所有有这两个字样的都是真的。因为有的时候申请人会委托别人代领护照,在这种情况下可能只会在护照上有盖章却没有给申请人本人办理任何类似“外国人就业卡”之类的纸质凭证来确认申请人身份,所以这种情况下虽然会有On这样的字样但是也不一定能真正证明该信息准确无误呢~ 所以大家在遇到这种情况的时候还是要多多注意哦!以免出现不必要的麻烦啦~
