

我申请的时候是3年,但是不知道为什么只有2年的有效期,所以到第二年的时候还要回去重新签一次。 如果是学生签证的话是3年有效期的(从你申请开始算)。 但是如果你去上学了,在上学期间你的签证就是永久有效的(也就是不会到期),但是一旦你停学或者毕业,那么在你没有新的学校接收的前提下,你的签证就失效了。 如果你在上学期间的签证到期了,你可以去移民局续签一下就好了~很简单的^^ 不过如果你的签证已经过期了,那么你就要回国重新申请了哦~ 如果是在读的学生签证的话是需要提供学校的在读证明的,因为这样才能证明你在读嘛~~~

1、申请表(Application for a visa) A 457. Application form (IMMI 1445A), or its electronic equivalent, must be completed and lodged with the appropriate fee at an Australian diplomatic mission overseas.

2、英语语言能力材料(英文成绩或者英文能力证明) Please attach proof of your English language ability if you are not an English speaking country national, unless otherwise indicated on this list below. For example: IELTS Academic (General Training is only accepted in exceptional circumstances): Overall minimum score of 6 in each band with no band less than 5; TOEFL iBT 80 overall with writing 20. CAE/CPE or IGCSE/GCSE grade C/Grade 4 or above. PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic Overall score: 51   Writing: 51    Reading, Listening, Speaking: All Band B以上 注:如英文考试成绩超过有效期则需要重考。

3、资金证明材料 This document should prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself while studying in Australia without working. It can include bank statements, savings bonds, investment certificates and other relevant documents such as tax returns. You need to show evidence that these funds were in existence before lodging the application. If they came from family members, proof may also need to be provided that these family members will provide financial assistance until you become financially independent.

4、无犯罪公证 Original criminal record certificate issued by the authorities in your country of citizenship, which has been attested and verified by the Embassy or Consulate General of Australia in your home country. The embassy or consulate general will verify whether it has been legalised or certified according to their requirements. Please keep the original copy and send us the attested version.

5、体检表 Medical Examination Form for Subclass 571 Visa Applicants


我是17年签的,现在还没到时间。 我的签证是2+5,就是来学语言然后转学生签证,语言那块一共1500小时,学费大概4w人民币左右吧(没记错)。语言学完之后学校就给我发了那个offer了,然后我就拿着这个去签证中心申请的学生签证。当时我们那一堆同学都是一起申请的,签证结果也都出来了,都批了的,所以不存在有哪个被拒的情况的吧… 我现在记得很清楚的就是当时我面试的时候考官问了我为什么选择这个专业之类的,我觉得她可能觉得我不够专注因为我回答问题的时候比较含糊,比如她说为什么想学这个专业啊等等的问题时,我只是说因为我对这个感兴趣而已,并没有很具体的描述。 后来过了没多久我有又拿了一个offer想再申请一个签证,但是这次我被拒绝了,理由是说我不符合他们的条件。
