

我2016年8月在英国大使馆官网用Visa4UK在线申请过,当时是付了35英镑的签证费 当时是第一次办英签所以选择了去大使馆面试的方式,现在听说可以全部网上办的

如果是去大使馆的话要带: 护照原件+空白页复印件、一张护照照片(这个应该不用说了)

预约单打印件、资金证明原件(工资流水和银行存款都可以)+复印件、住宿确认信原件和英文翻译件、CAS原件+复印件以及复印件上的翻译、护照上有旧英签或BRP卡的请都带上以备查验 我是在学校宿舍入住后拿到的住宿确认信 是房东发邮件到我的邮箱然后我把邮件内容打出来手工抄写的

在2017年4月份办的是Tier 4 (General) Student Visa,今年9月份办的是Tier 4 (Child) Student Visa,两者的材料基本上一样只是小孩需要额外的文件 我是通过邮寄方式申请的,费用是每份材料80元加上35镑签证费合计600人民币 如果要去面签,就还要交几百块的差旅费和住宿费

如果申请人年龄在16岁以下,则所有材料均需通过EMS快递进行递送,不可亲自前往使馆递交 如果你已经在网上提交了材料并且支付完服务费和签证费,那么就不用再重新提交资料给大使馆了;但是如果你是选择去大使馆面签的那就需要把补充的材料都快递给大使馆了 大使馆给的地址是Level 17, Victoria Tower, No.105 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9SA UK 邮寄时填收件人姓名为Immigration Application Center,邮编是SW1W 9SF,然后打电话咨询下是否需要填写其他信息 补充材料的详细情况可以看申请表里的FAQs,里面都有详细的解释说明 下面是常见问题 Q: Do all the documents listed on Form DBS must be sent with your application? Or only those that are relevant to you? And what should I do if one of my previous employers has not responded or is out of business and therefore cannot provide a reference, but they were important in providing employment history for their period mentioned on form DBS? A: All the supporting documents required by visa regulations need to be provided. Please read carefully each section of the form in order to see which documents would have been requested by different sections. In case where you have worked as an individual contractor, please attach copies of any contracts and invoices signed by you and your employer showing how much you earn per month during that time. The Immigration Rules require evidence of sufficient financial support, i.e., proof that you will be able to cover your living costs and tuition fees without relying on public funds. Please upload all types of bank statements which show a total net income of more than 12650 Pounds over the last six months.If necessary, you can also add the payslips from your previous jobs which shows average monthly salary, etc. If your former employments were less than 6个月, it might be better to submit other kinds of information such as rental agreement between landlord and tenant so that they could prove that you


2014年,我办理的是学生签证 因为是大学在读的学生 所以学校会帮忙提交材料 不需要自己去移民局 然后需要交纳的费用就只需要580元人民币左右 (当时汇率还很低,好像大概是160磅多一点吧……) 如果是自己去申请的话,还需要交几百块钱的中文翻译费。

我是自己去的,因为觉得直接让中介办很麻烦(反正我也不懂怎么弄!而且还要收钱啊喂!) 结果就是,我差点被拒绝入境……

